We are intellectually ambitious and joyful about it.

We offer the strongest, most vibrant academic program in the DC-area.

  • English

    From 5th-12th grade, students read 100+ books within & beyond the canon, discovering the personal & universal value of reading. Students learn to create across a range of forms--essays, podcasts, and videos--for a range of purposes and audiences. They develop skill as listeners, presence as speakers, and confidence as participants in discussion.

  • Math

    In 5th & 6th grade, students develop strong mathematical foundations, developing numeracy and automaticity in essential, everyday math. When they are ready, students begin the algebraic sequence, for which we use Exeter math. Exeter math is an interleaved, rich set of problems, and we teach students to use professional computational tools to solve them. We add probability to the Exeter sequence, weaving it into each year of our program.

  • Social sciences

    The middle school sequence starts with Citizenship: Local & National and builds outward from there. By the end of middle school, students understand their place in the world, in history, and in time. Curriculum-integrated fieldwork brings classes to life, and data science-connected projects add quantitative depth. Our courses move beyond the academic and analytical to engage students in civic participation.

  • Science

    Middle school starts with two years on The Natural World, which uses museums, parks, and nature as a jumping off point for science. In 7th grade, students begin Integrated Science, where they learn some of biology, chemistry, and physics each year. Once students complete this sequence at the end of 10th grade, they are ready for advanced disciplinary study or our cutting edge electives.

  • Data science

    In middle school, students take a half credit Data Science course each year. Our middle school data science sequence aligns with our science and social science programs, deepening the rigor and heightening the relevance of these courses. Over their time with us, students develop from completing teacher-given assignments to asking and answering their own questions. In high school, students can choose from a variety of interesting data science electives including Sports Analysis, Predicting Climate Change, and Data for Social Justice.

  • Practical Psychology

    Each year in middle school, students take a weekly Practical Psychology class. In 5th & 6th grade, we focus on teaching foundational knowledge and skills to help students thrive personally, especially those related to cognitive science and wellbeing. In 7th & 8th grade, we focus on teaching foundational knowledge and skills to help students thrive interpersonally, and the curriculum is designed to support students as they mature and their interior lives become more complex. Across the program, students consistently apply what they are learning, which helps them internalize the insights for the long-term.

Wondering about electives?